It’s an exciting time if your company is seeking a new collaboration for distribution and fulfillment services. Your brand reputation and business growth depend on the reliability of this new partnership. It’s a big decision and your team needs to take the time to plan, shop around, and be prepared.
When meeting with potential partners, don’t be afraid to ask questions directly to the distribution and fulfillment services. This article will walk you through just a few things to keep in mind with selecting the right global fulfillment services for your company.

Make Your Team’s Life Easier With Global Fulfillment Services
Don’t forget the point of any corporate partnership - they exist to lighten your load and accomplish your company goals. Right from the very first interactions, be critical and judge if the potential collaborator is truly being helpful, answering your questions, doing what they say they will be doing, etc. There are many ways to talk the talk and not walk the walk. Notice those moments and don’t be afraid to pull the plug if your gut feeling isn’t going in a positive direction. Professional relationships can operate like most other types of human interactions. Make sure that communication is flowing effectively. When problems come up, how will your new business partner react to them? Will they have your best interest at heart or will they shirk responsibility onto some other party? There are countless interactions that happen with global fulfillment services. Make sure you select a company that will be diligent, detail oriented, and honest.
Know What Types Of Order Fulfillment Tasks Your Company Needs
There are many different types of order fulfillment services in the world. Opt for a company that has experience in your specific industry and can anticipate your needs and potential pitfalls. Before your first meetings with a potential e-commerce order fulfillment service, your team should be doing some deep thinking and introspective brainstorming. What are your needs - really?
When deciding what it is that your company truly needs, establish a hierarchy of priorities. Sometimes we can feel like we need one service, when really, another one would be more advantageous for accomplishing our goal. Put your teams heads together and be as objective and non emotional as you can. Sometimes just a bit of reorganizing can solve one problem and open up funds for another weakness in the operation.
Partner With Global Fulfillment Services With Superior Customer Service
Keep in mind the question is not “if” things go wrong, it’s “when”. That being the case the vast majority of time, you want to know that there will be human’s to talk to and help you in a pinch. Ask about the inventory management and pick and pack fulfillment customer service communications they have established. Really, problems can arise at every step of the way. Know what number to call and if it will be an endless automated system that will waste your talent’s time at work.
Choose A Service With Experience Running A Company Swag Store
Whatever your team decides is your specific need for global fulfillment services, make sure they have experience. If you are running a company swag store, make sure your new partner has specific experience doing exactly what you need them to do. In having discussions, don’t be afraid to ask them for examples of other stores. If they can’t share the exact company name or website, maybe they can share templated examples of their services.
Always read company reviews before signing on the dotted line.
Have you ever been in a situation where you work with a company and things don’t go well? Then, afterwards you stumble across some terrible reviews about them and their failed service? Don’t let that happen to you. There is too much to lose in business. If you are someone who reads reviews for mundane purchases, be sure to read reviews for serious business relationships as well.
Look Into Their Return Service Proposition And History For A Company Swag Store
Be sure to ask how your potential swag fulfillment partner will operate if there are issues with their order. Do they take them back, fix them, and then expedite them back to you? Or do they shrug it off, try to charge you again for another order, or gaslight you into thinking that the order is actually fine? There are so many tricks in the book to avoid responsibility when issues arise in merchandise. Be sure you are selecting the type of partner who is make it right and absorb the cost every time.
Make Sure Your Tech Preferences Align With Inventory Management And Warehouse Operations
Everything is digital and automated these days. Be sure that your warehouse operations will be compatible with the tech systems you have in place already. There are numerous tech translations and compatibility that need to align at the beginning of a new partnership. Be sure that the company you select will be compatible with yours in terms of software and technology.
Make Sure Their Swag Fulfillment Is Transparent And Supports Ethical Business
The world is warming all the time and it’s important, for your brand image, that your partner has green and eco practices. Do they work with sustainable vendors and are they transparent about their own business practices? It’s imperative for your brand image that all of your partners support ethical business practices and do their best to support the environment.
Ask How Their Shipment Processes Work For E Commerce Order Fulfillment
Discussing details like shipment can prevent issues from arising down the line. Know if your partner has a shipment company that they always use, or if they shop around to find the best deals at the time. Either option has its strengths and weaknesses. Expedited shipment can be essential for keeping your biggest and best clients. Know how rush orders will be handled and how typical shipment is managed.
Inquire If Their Order Fulfillment Processes Are Domestic, International, Or Scalable
If your company is thriving, it’s important to dream big and be prepared for future growth. Starting small and keeping business domestic is a great place to start. But in the event that business is booming, will you grow out of this order fulfillment service? Knowing how scalable warehouse operations are can help you plan ahead for the future.
Know Your Pick And Pack Fulfillment
Like any other business transaction, your company needs to be aware of your budget and what’s realistic. Be sure that you are selecting a partner who is within budget and offers exactly the services you need. Inquire about hidden fees or when prices can go up.
Social Imprints Is Among The Best In Distribution And Fulfillment Services!
Social Imprints is an expert in the industry. If you are shopping around for a new partner, reach out to bizdev@socialimprints.com and one of our product specialists will be in touch!