If you’re looking for an activity to draw a large crowd and generate that buzz at large corporate events, live printing can be it! You can show off your branded merchandise, wow new clients, and be the star of the show with live printing. There are so many ways to utilize this versatile and entertaining tool.
With on side printing, you can boost audience engagement and even incorporate corporate team building activities. However, there is real skill involved. This article will walk you through some major pointers to make sure that your live printing activation is a total hit.
1. You’re on stage; be an entertainer in performance for live printing
With live screen printing, you’re putting on a show with multiple objectives. That means you have to think like a performer and be “on”. People are watching, and in the best-case scenario, many new clients are looking to be wowed by your presentation.

Here are some performing tips to keep your audience engaged and having a blast:
Look the part: You want to look professional, approachable, and likable. Dress to impress your target audience and know that people are judging you as a whole package.
Study your audience and read the room: As a performer, you need to tailor your show to the audience and be able to change on a dime. Be prepared with appropriate jokes or phrasing that will be well received.
Engage your audience and have audience participation: No one likes to be lectured to. It’s always a great idea to bring in audience participation and genuine interaction. You can use games, questions, and activities to connect with your new clients better.
Prepare yourself mentally and be ready for stage fright: In the best-case scenario, there is quite a large crowd eagerly waiting to be entertained. If you aren’t used to that, you need to be ready for it. That means mentally preparing yourself beforehand. Exercise or do some yoga or meditate. Have a solid breakfast and be appropriately caffeinated. Get your head in the game. Be prepared and ready for anything before the show starts.
Fake it till you make it: It turns out that this old adage is actually totally valid, and there is actual research supporting this. If you’re feeling insecure or not ready, just act the part and fake it! You would be surprised how well you can get in this world with this attitude. Also, the chances are that you are absolutely prepared and going to rock it! Believe in yourself! It’s going to be awesome!
2. Practice makes perfect for on-site printing
The number one thing to do to curb performance anxiety and assure a successful show is the practice…. practice, practice, practice! Because live screen printing is an actual performance, a lot can go wrong and your reputation is on the line. People will judge your brand and your product based on your performance. It is absolutely imperative that your operating team knows what they are doing and are ready for anything.
Set yourself up for success with the chosen ink, garment color, or merchandise. Keep it simple so you know you can hit a home run every time. Your event swag will need to turn out impressive every time because it represents your brand and your product.
The last thing you want is to show up at large corporate events, ready to produce personalized gifts, and have everything go wrong. Adequate preparation and practice will remedy this and assure your success.

3. Bring back up supplies and prepare for the worst when producing event swag.
Building on the mindset of live printing being a live performance that should be practiced for, you also need to prepare for the worst. It’s always possible for machinery to break day of, or for boxes to get lost in shipment. Don’t let life's mishaps ruin your show. Be prepared for the worst and bring duplicates of everything - especially if it is vital to the performance. Your event swag is going to be vital to winning new clients, boosting your revenue, and amping up your brand recognition. Don’t let human error and mishaps block your victorious demonstration.

Here are a few items to have duplicates of when packing:
Floor protective paper or plastic: be sure to protect the entire area so you don’t cause lasting damage to your venue.
Screens: in case a screen breaks, be prepared with more
Spray tack: The more the better, it goes fast
A flash unit dryer: You must have a dryer inorder for your performance to work. Be prepared with extras in case one fails or breaks.
Squeegees and sponges: be sure that you have enough in spades
Ink cleaner: Your show will cause a mess and be prepared to clean up your new prospective big shot client.
Protective garb for customers head to toe: If your audience is participating in the show, have everything needed for them to get involved and not ruin their new high end business attire. This means having booties, ponchos, smocks, pants protectors, caps, etc.
Big Ziploc bags: common item that has many uses
Garbage bags: be conscientious and clean up entirely
4. Be sure to have an appropriate set up location
On site printing is no joke and there are a lot of factors/variables that need to be controlled. Wind, temperature, sun exposure, adequate space to accommodate equipment, display items, and a crowd. It’s vital to your performance that you have an appropriate stage. Make sure that you will be able to utilize audience engagement to amp up your performance quality.
If you are communicating with your venue and it doesn’t seem like they have a good setting, then maybe that’s a pass. The worst thing to do would be to show up with your staff and all your gear just to find that there’s no way live printing is going to work there. Your event marketing needs to have a practical location so plan ahead, make some calls, and make it happen.

5. Choose your events and clients wisely
In lieu of needing an appropriate stage for your performance, be sure that the event itself is conducive to your needs and objectives. If it’s going to be a small space that can’t handle some ink getting thrown around, then that’s not the best situation. Or if it’s going to be a loud, crowded, or wild party, also not the best for your live printing activation performance investment.
Doing a show with live screen printing is a major investment on your part, be sure that the audience and clients that would be present are going to be worthy of your efforts. Are they members of an organization who purchase personalized gifts or branded merchandise? If the answer is no, then maybe look to a different client pool.

6. Make sure the price is right
Your time and energy put towards a performance including live printing is worth a lot. Make sure that your efforts are compensated for. That means putting together a throughout budget taking into consideration travel or hotel costs, food, team hours and labor, shipping, equipment, usable items, the merchandise itself, and the list continues. Your pricing should be quite a bit more than a standard personalized merchandise order.
Like any other negotiation, start high and be prepared to come down a little. Or not! Know how much your performance is worth. If you aren’t being offered what you are worth, then maybe they aren’t the business you want to collaborate with.

In conclusion, live printing is a powerful tool for event branding. There is tremendous skill, organization, and finesse involved with having a successful performance. Do your due diligence and practice, be prepared, and get your head in the game. Your new clients will be super impressed with a great show and you never know where your new collaboration can take your company.
For help designing your next live printing event, reach out to bizdev@socialimprints.com and one of our product specialists will be in touch!