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How to Choose the Perfect gifts for Employees

Corporate Gifts for Employees – Social Imprints

Company gifts for employees is one of the fastest and most reliable ways to cultivate a culture of celebration! 

Happy employees are the main ingredient to a successful business. Keeping the work culture healthy and fun will be worth every penny. If you need more information about the importance of corporate gifts for employees, check out 10 Reasons Why Employees Need Gifts. However, after making the commitment to boost your company culture with products like company swag, the next challenge is settling on corporate gift ideas that will be the best for your needs. This article will walk you through how to develop fruitful gifting practices.

Be Clear About Your Goals with Company Gifts for Employees - Be Effective

When choosing corporate gifts for employees, you want to make sure you’re hitting a home run every time. It is absolutely possible to go through the effort and expense of gifting, and for it to be a total flop. Don’t waste your resources and be strategic about employee appreciation gifts. 

Being targeted and deliberate about gifting will elevate the status and success of your company. Social Imprints can help support your gifting tactics to make sure you are scoring a touchdown every time. 

Go Back to the “Why”, And Plan Accordingly When Deciding on Corporate Gift Ideas

Why are you gifting in the first place? Just like any other gifting practice, it’s important that the gift matches the occasion and is appropriate. If you give a baby shower gift to someone on their birthday, that would be a miss. Gift ideas for office employees can be similar in that the item should match the reason behind the gift. When it comes to the product, packaging, customization, or value, the reason for gifting should be in alignment with the gift itself. 

There is an endless variety of the types of gifts that can be given. Gift cards and experiential gifts often get overlooked, but have been found to be some of the most valuable. Company swag is also tried and true as a way to put some pep into your employees step! If you’re drowning in options, let us know and Social Imprints can help devise a strategy that will work for you.

Know What Your Recipient Wants or Needs - Personalization with Corporate Gifts for Employees

Just like business plans needing to assess a target audience, gifters should understand their recipients. Knowledge can be gained organically by talking to employees, interviewing managers, and generally getting to know the members of an organization. If that isn’t realistic due to company size, it’s ok to send out a survey to gather basic information like cultural practices or food preferences. People want to feel seen and know that their preferences matter. It is absolutely possible to provide options when gifting and Social Imprints can walk you through how to do that efficiently. Do what is necessary to give the employees what they want.

Assessing The Value Of The Investment - How Much Should Be Spent On A Gift?

When choosing corporate gifts for employees, one of the first steps is assessing budget. You want to invest in a gift that is high quality to associate your brand with longevity and distinction. Going with sustainable gifts is virtually a requirement - opt for quality over quantity. It is also important to note that everyone at your company will need gifts, so plan accordingly. Assess what your gifting budget is early on in the year and plan ahead. If the funds are available, honor your talent with birthday and holiday gifts. When welcoming new people to your team, always have a new hire package on hand. As previously stated, corporate gifts for employees are one of the smartest investments a company can make. Make the best impression you can with what you have. 

6 Occasions and Examples of Appropriate Corporate Gifts for Employees

  1. Promotions and High Achievement: When it comes time for well deserved employee appreciation gifts, the level of achievement or work put in should match the effort of the gift. If someone has given 60 years of their life to a company, go big or go home. Go for the custom plaque that they can put on the shelf and show off to their grandkids. Provide them with the elements of a celebration with a dinner gift card at a fancy restaurant or nice bottle of champaign. When the employee recognition gifts are for relatively new hires that are doing awesome and still maturing as professionals, maybe go for something like fun swag. As an organization, you should be pacing yourself with your gifting. Help employees feel appreciated, and also keep them investing in the positive outcome of staying long term.

  2. Birthdays:  Everyone deserves to feel special and valued on their birthday. When assessing corporate gift ideas for an employee's special day, keep it classic and professional. Offering a desert item (make sure to know their dietary needs) to celebrate with the team will brighten everyones day. Balloons and even personalized gifts for employees to open in the company break room will generate positive memories and build community. Keep in mind that if you celebrate birthdays, you need to celebrate everyone’s birthday. Inclusivity is of the utmost importance. If a company is only celebrating certain people, that will surely be counter productive.

  3. Holidays: Gifting during the holidays is a worthy investment that will be the gift that keeps on giving. These gifts are an opportunity to show everyone at your company that you value them, and that they are the secret sauce for company success. Boost productivity, loyalty, retention, and joy at your workplace with company gifts for employees. When designing gifts for the holidays, be sure to know your recipient. Avoid offending people with overly religious sentiment for food items they can’t enjoy. When unsure of a recipient's preferences, keep the gift non-denominational. Everyone in your organization will need a comparable gift, so be sure to choose a value that will be realistic for your budget. If you have the funds, your talent will appreciate something special that will last for years. 

  4. Anniversaries: Gifting for anniversaries, be it personal or professional, will always be appreciated. This is an opportunity to utilize personalized gifts for employees. Of course it’s necessary to keep the item professional, but that doesn’t mean that it can’t have a personalized touch. Having something engraved, or be associated with the anniversary being celebrated, could fuel a fond memory and build appreciation for your brand.

  5. New hires: Fresh talent should always receive a strong welcome. In the first few weeks of new employment, new hires need to feel like they are being invited to the team and that their talents are valued. Gift ideas for office employees could involve items that will help them succeed at their job. Maybe its office supplies, bags, electronic devices, or ergonomic equipment. Make sure that they are excited to be the newest member of your clan. 

  6. Safety, Health, and Well-being Promotion: In the current corporate world, healthy living is in and trending upwards. Practices that support well-being are especially valued and improve the reputation of a business. Providing employee appreciation gifts that will improve their safety, health, and well-being will surely hit the jackpot. Demonstrate that you genuinely value your employees as people, by supporting their body and mind. Gift ideas for office employees could include ergonomic equipment, stand up desks, comfy chairs or pad accessories, yoga mats, ergonomic keyboards, or even plants. Don’t forget that experiential gifts like a spa day or vacation are often just the trick to actually helping your employee relax!

General Dos and Don’ts for Corporate Gifts for Employees


Make Gifts Gender Neutral – Making gift choices that are versatile and likely to be appreciated by most, is wise. Being aware, inclusive, and welcoming of all identities is necessary to support brand image and respect for all employees. 

Check And Recheck Names - The last thing you want to receive is a gift with someone else's name on it. Be sure that the recipient will not be offended by how they are addressed. When addressing, best practice is to copy and paste names rather than typing to avoid typos. In addition, be mindful of professional or military titles. 

Be Fair to Inclusivity and Equity - Gifting is a powerful resource and can also cause harm when not done properly. Be sure that everyone is being treated equally, regardless of identity or status in a company. Tapping into budgeting and organizational strategy is necessary to avoid pitfalls. 

Know Your Recipients Dietary Needs - Health-conscious living is in and dietary preferences are plentiful. It’s likely that you have employees with diets ranging from vegan, vegetarian, gluten free, keto, or raw food and beyond! If you want to indulge in a tasty treat, be sure to have options and know what people will and will not eat.  

Enjoy Creativity! - When choosing a gift for employees, surprise them! People love to receive something wonderfully unexpected. Our team of experts at social imprints can help you find gifts that will be unique and also fit the needs of your recipients. 


Be In Poor Taste - No matter how comfortable or friendly you are with your employees, keep the gifting professional. This is a special moment to foster connection. Don’t waste money on an overpriced joke gift that will likely frustrate your recipient. 

Ignore Culture and Needs - Diversity is a beautiful thing. Make sure that your gifts reflect the awesome originality of your talent. Avoid accidentally offending people with religious or insensitive gifts. Furthermore, understand dietary needs and restrictions to be sensitive to allergies and food preferences. 

Overlook Packaging - Make a great first impression with the packaging of your employee recognition gifts. If the offering looks thrown together and careless, the poor presentation might cheapen the experience.

Whatever your gifting celebration is for, Social Imprints has a team of experts who can help. Rest assured that you will make the best impression you can with your gift. 

Make sure that you get the biggest bang for your buck by getting in touch with Social Imprints at One of our specialists will be happy to help!



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