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The Impact of a Personalized New Employee Welcome Package

New Employee Welcome Package – Social Imprints

The first few days at a fresh team member’s new job are arguably the most important. Within the first week of working in a new position, 29% of employees decide if their new position is a keeper. In the first month, 70% of newcomers decide if they want to stay long-term. Within the first 44 days, employers have been tested by their new hire and the onboarding experience has determined if they will stay long-term or move on.

This translates as those first few days and weeks being the deciding factor in retention rates and overall employee satisfaction.

Companies need to be doing everything in their power to woo their latest talent. One of the “must have” items is a personalized new employee welcome package. Demonstrating that you care about your new talent requires a token of appreciation via a gift and tools that are necessary to succeed.

A lot rests on the impression of your onboarding experience, including your company’s reputation. Providing an exemplary orientation process will yield results. 30% of people who don’t have a positive introductory period report that their new employment is not ideal for them. While 70% of new team members brag that their new position is the best possible for them.

According to research, the bar is set pretty high. Only 12% of new talent would praise their new employer and say that they have done a great job throughout the orientation journey. That translates as 88% of companies needing to seriously up their game in order to win over top talent. Meaning, it’s likely that your organization could improve its new hire practices.

We will take a closer look at the necessity of a welcome package for onboarding.

1. Utilize A Personalized New Employee Welcome Package For The Best First Impression

Those first few moments and days as a new hire set the stage for the entire employment experience. Present your new gifted team members with employee welcome kits.

Your organization’s brand and reputation rest on the success of your first impression. New talent who have an exceptional onboarding experience are 2.6 times more likely to be extremely satisfied by their new employer. That’s a tremendous difference. The good news is that it’s not that difficult to cultivate a positive initiation process!

Employee Welcome kits – Social Imprints

The first thing to examine is what your company is doing in order to improve their onboarding practices. Resist the temptation to rush it, put it aside, or forget to budget it. There’s just too much at stake with these first few weeks. For starters, 49% of onboarding plans for companies only take up to 2 weeks. That’s just not enough. According to Aptitude Research, the onboarding process should extend to at least 30 days. For starters, extend that new employee welcome package to unfold over time. Save a little for that one-month mark for check-ins and re-establishing positive rapport.

One finding suggests that about 57% of companies minimize the onboarding experience to just a one-day orientation and maybe a packet of information. That’s a huge mistake.

2. Support Engagement Strategies With A Stellar First Week Of Work

Getting your new talent started on the right foot can make all the difference! If companies fail to provide a positive experience, new hires spend about 22% of their time productively. That’s no fault of their own. If a company fails to guide their talent towards their new activities and equip them with the tools and instructions they need, that sets up your new team members for a stressful and confusing experience.

Engagement Strategies – Social Imprints

Companies that adequately support and prepare their new hires bring their productivity up closer to 88%. As the fresh team member gets more experience, that productivity will likely keep going up! As they learn about all the other benefits involved with their package, your company will demonstrate their commitment to employee well-being,

3. Show Off Your Healthy Work Culture Through A Positive Induction Process

Positivity has a way of being contagious. When your new hire meets all their new teammates, they will learn about the type of organization you are. If your staff is in good spirits and feeling taken care of, that energy will excite and encourage your new talent. On the contrary, if the morale is on the low side, that may impact the longevity of your newest employee. The overall induction process will be impacted by the health of your work culture and climate.

Positive Induction Process – Social Imprints

Filling employee welcome kits with necessary items, as well as some special or exciting swag, will demonstrate that you value them. Tools to support well-being like a yoga mat, ergonomic pillow or desk accessories, or a water bottle can really drive the message home.

4. Increase Retention By Encouraging Onboarding Benefits With Long Term Impact

We know that the onboarding process is directly linked to employee retention and longevity with your brand. Companies that succeed with their onboarding strategy enjoy increased retention rates by up to 82%.

Onboarding Benefits – Social Imprints

Crafting and cultivating a successful onboarding can be tricky business. It’s a great strategy to give your new talent a survey about how they are feeling, what went well, and what needs improving. They will guide and teach you for next time. Feedback collected for onboarding has powerful benefits and can bolster improvement initiatives and relationship building by upwards of 91%!

Did they learn all the awesome perks of their new job? Are they stoked about their new retirement plan and fantastic healthcare options? Ask yourself these questions and you will likely be on your way to improving your employee acclimation experience.

5. Engagement Programs Thrive With Happy New Team Members

Employee engagement and happiness start from day 1. 35% of HR leaders recommend focusing on the onboarding process to boost productivity right from the first moments of employment. Your talent will be more likely to enjoy and utilize any programs your brand has put in place.

Engagement Programs – Social Imprints

In Conclusion, Don’t Skimp On The New Employee Welcome Package! 

Show off your enthusiasm for your newest hire with impressive onboarding benefits and an exciting welcome package. It’s a competitive corporate world and this newly acquired talented and gifted person is testing your brand too! The success of your brand lies on the shoulders of your people. Having high retention rates, satisfaction, and productivity will keep your business growing strong.

For help crafting engagement strategies and employee welcome kits, reach out to and one of our product specialists will be in touch!



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