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Best Practices for Fulfilling Orders in Your Employee Swag Store


Employee Swag Store – Social Imprints

There is a lot of planning and logistics that goes into order fulfillment for an employee swag store. But if you don’t know already, it’s definitely worth the effort. The benefits of opting into an e-commerce store certainly outweigh the cons. 

If you’re not sure why everyone seems to be opting into a company swag store, check out Expanding Your Brand: The Role of Online Swag Stores in Business Growth to learn more. 

Now that we are on the same page in terms of the importance of swag for your business growth, let’s get into methods for an elevated execution. There are many ways to manage swag fulfillment. Some companies opt for the “penny wise, pound stupid” approach and keep inventory management and order fulfillment in house. It won't take long for businesses to learn why that is not a good idea. Save yourself the headache. 

Be smarter when managing your employee swag store! 

This article will walk you through some intelligent ways to avoid a large labor cost oversight and boat loads of stress for your team. Support the well-being of your employees, and elevate your company culture by using your people’s time wisely. 

1. Outsource With A Partner To Save Your Valuable Time

There are tasks that are best done in-house, and there are tasks that can lead to a nightmare if not thought out for your team. We’ve all been there. A project starts out looking doable and well planned. Then, as the process unfolds, that dreadful moment happens - “uh oh! we are in over our heads!” Don’t let that be you! It’s so avoidable and not worth the stress for you or your team. 

There is a reason why companies outsource - There is a lot to be done for swag store logistics!

When managing your e commerce store yourself, beware of these realities:

  • You can’t properly estimate the amount of time it will take your team to run

  • It’s extremely time consuming

  • There is a tremendous amount of coordination such as:

  • There are a lot of details that need to be worked out and double checked

  • You don’t have the expertise involved to complete the process start to finish

  • There are a lot of decisions for designing the ideal product

  • It’s challenging to select the best vendors to produce high-quality products.

  • Managing a warehouse for storage and inventory is extremely challenging.

  • The list goes on!


Outsource with A Partner – Social Imprints

Don’t make the mistake of inaccurately calculating labor costs of in-house order fulfillment. Let an expert like Social Imprints save you time and money. 

Here are just some of the benefits with partnering with an expert in swag fulfillment:

  • They can handle the workload

  • They have worked out processes to increase efficiency

  • They are experts in selecting products to represent your brand properly

  • They have relationships with trustworthy vendors

  • They know how to manage their warehouse and inventory

  • They can ship efficiently

  • They can negotiate better pricing with vendors

  • You have a broader range of customizable products and options

  • You get the idea!

2. Do Your Research And Know What Your Objectives Are For Your Company Swag Store

Sure, if you partner with a great company like Social Imprints, collaborators will take care of you. However, that’s a vulnerable place to be. Enlighten yourself by doing research about all the ways you can use your promotional products to your benefit. When you have your initial consultation with your e-commerce order fulfillment company, you should have a very good idea as to what you are looking for. That’s not saying that you won't learn anything from your new partner! Relying on the experts is partially what you are paying for! But be prepared and informed to save everyone the hassle of wasted time on meetings and endless email chains. 

Company Swag Store – Social Imprints

Here are some articles to keep you informed and up to speed with the power of promotional products:

3. Collaborate With The Best For Efficient Order Processing

There are many swag companies out there to choose from. Social Imprints is a “one stop shop” and can handle every step of the process - from idea to the unboxing. 


Order Processing – Social Imprints

Beyond increasing efficiency, your collaborator is a reflection of your brand. A lot can go wrong in the process and you want to put your best foot forward. Read reviews, do your research, and go with your gut instinct. 

4. Have Clear Communication And Double Check Your Correspondence

Once you select your swag fulfillment collaborator, be sure to communicate efficiently. Human error comes with the territory and a good partner will have checks in place to catch any mistakes. But it’s in your best interest to do your part to make sure the process goes smoothly. 

Swag Fulfillment – Social Imprints

Do these things to make sure you get what you want:

  • Read, and re-read email communications you receive

  • Double check your own email responses so you say what you mean

  • Take the time to read communications about your order

  • Check your order invoices and confirmations

  • Pick up the phone and have a chat if things get confusing

  • Always remain calm to communicate more effectively

5. Always Go Sustainable And Practical With Your Product Selection

Your employee swag store is a reflection of your brand. It’s important that your messaging is in line with your mission and values. If you go for cheap items that break easily, that doesn’t reflect well on your brand. 


Eco-Friendly Products – Social Imprints

When selecting swag, go for these options: 

  • Always go for sustainable and eco-friendly products

  • Go with vendors who support a good cause like funding environmental organizations, or stopping slavery or human trafficking

For more tips on how to associate your brand with a good cause, check out Elevate Your Brand Image with Custom Swag Boxes on A Mission - You Can Help Make The World A Better Place

6. Don’t Forget Beautiful Packaging For An Optimal Unboxing Experience

The first impression of your swag happens at the unboxing. Make it memorable! Always opt for a personalized packing experience to elevate your brand. With Social Imprints, you can choose from color printed shipping boxes, color branded tissue paper and wrapping paper, stickers, ribbons, note cards, and more! If you need help with branded packaging ideas, just let us know! Social Imprints will make sure that your promotional product arrives looking its best!


Branded Packaging – Social Imprints

Be smarter and love what your brand gets with your company swag store! 

Your e-commerce store has so much potential to uplift your brand. Don’t take on too much and let it drag your company down. Things like pick and pack fulfillment and efficient order processing are complex activities. Go with the experts to make sure your swag store logistics are optimized. 

For help with your employee swag store, contact and one of our product specialists will be in touch!



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